
Although I am not in chambers I carry out the full range of traditional work for solicitors who instruct me. I have found working outside of chambers allows me to to be more flexible in terms of fees and methods of working so that I can provide a more useful service than the traditional barrister-solicitor relationship. I have carried out wide range of work for both claimants and respondents at the employment tribunal. I am able to work under a no-win no fee agreement with solicitors firms on the right cases.


I have worked as a consultant for a solicitors firm, providing extra capacity during busy periods when help is needed to run cases and deal with an expanded workload. I am able to assist on a short term basis to cover leave or maternity periods or if there is a large claim that requires more fee earners to manage.


Most employment disputes can be resolved through negotiation and discussion between the parties, but it often helps if an outside party, independent of the employer or their solicitors, can mediate in difficult disputes. I carried out mediation training at Regents University, which emphasised the psychological and emotional aspect to ADR, which I have found to be particularly important in the employment setting, rather than looking purely at commercial considerations. I am able to mediate in disputes for your client before they reach the costly litigation stage.